La Casa Duran i Sanpere de Cervera is a good example of a Catalan bourgeois home from the end of the 19th century. Crossing the threshold, strolling through the rooms, observing the distribution and enjoying the objects that wear it gives a lot of information about the period, especially on the decoration of interiors and the production of consumer objects, but also allows to understand aspects of the daily life of its inhabitants. The house is a document that transfers the visitor to Catalonia for more than a century and offers the possibility to imagine how family members were related to each other and to other people, as well as to intuit values and ways that governed their daily actions.
A walk through the reception halls, with the large halls decorated to show in society, allow us to understand a slogan, that of Duran, strongly rooted in the political and social life of the city. The most intimate spaces in the house, such as the particular chapel, and the more functional spaces, such as the dining room, the office and the kitchen, speak of the family relationships and life forms of that moment and their transformations along of the years when the house was inhabited
Visita guiada
A walk through the reception halls, with the large halls decorated to show in society, allow us to understand a slogan, that of Duran, strongly rooted in the political and social life of the city. The most intimate spaces in the house, such as the particular chapel, and the more functional spaces, such as the dining room, the office and the kitchen, speak of the family relationships and life forms of that moment and their transformations along of the years when the house was inhabited
Visita guiada